A few notes on oauth2 authorization code flow.

Photo by The New York Public Library
OAuth2 is an authorization delegation protocol. Meaning: to grant some third party granular access to user resources on their behalf without impersonating them or sharing secrets/passwords. The RFC6749 and [RFC6750(https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc6750.txt)] cover the protocol flows in detail:
- Authorization Code Grant
- Implicit Grant
- Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant
- Client Credentials Grant
In these notes the authorization code flow is covered.
ℹ️ Note: Authentication has to do with identity whereas authorization is about permission. OAuth2 is a framework for “permissions” delegation, but it may be extended to support authentication. Check OpenID Connect for more on that.
The Problem
In essence, the issue addressed by OAuth2 is as follows: A user desires to grant a third-party application access to specific data or resources they possess on a “service provider” without ever disclosing their credentials.
User access to service provider through third-party app User access to service provider through third-party app
Three main entities, relevant for understanding the flow, can be identified from the problem statement:
- the user:
Resource Owner
- the third party application:
- service provider:
Resource/Authorization Server
(these two don’t necessarily run in the same server)
The Flow
The flow goes, roughly, like this:
OAuth2 authorization code flow OAuth2 authorization code flow
1- the user triggers login or attempts to access a protected resource through the Client
2- the Client
responds redirecting the User-Agent
(browser) to the Authorization Server
, sending, among other thigs:
- a
identifier - the scope: list of permissions the
needs to fullfil the user request - a redirection uri: the endpoint where the user will be redirected back to after authentication (step 3)
3- the user is shown an authentication form and asked to consent with the permissions being asked by the Client
4- the user authenticates and consents with the permissions being asked by the Client
5- user is redirected back to the Client
(to the redirection uri mentioned in step 2). The request includes a short lived code
that is used to retrieve the access token (step 6). This is the code that gives name to the flow.
6- the Client
is now able to authenticate and talk directly to the Authorization Server
. The Client
authenticates with the Authorization Server
and “exchanges” the code
by an access token.
7- the Authorization Server
responds with an access token, that, from this point on, is used by the Client
to request data/resources on behalf of the user.
Proof of Concept
For example purposes, follows some code using FastAPI to depict the flow described above, using Github as the authorization server.
The app implements two endpoints:
- /api/v1/oauth/login
- /api/v1/oauth/code
which relate to steps 1. and 5. from the flow description above, respectively.
from fastapi import APIRouter
from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse
from httpx import AsyncClient, Response, codes
from oauth2flow.schemas import Token
GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID = "client_id goes here"
GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET = "client_secret goes here"
GITHUB_OAUTH_SCOPE = "read:user user:email"
GITHUB_OAUTH_CODE_REDIRECT_URI = "https://oauth2flow.loca.lt/api/v1/oauth/code"
GITHUB_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI = "https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize"
GITHUB_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL = "https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token"
oauth_router = APIRouter()
@oauth_router.get("/login", include_in_schema=True)
async def login() -> RedirectResponse:
github_authorize_url: str = (
return RedirectResponse(github_authorize_url)
@oauth_router.get("/code", include_in_schema=True)
async def code(code: str, state: str) -> RedirectResponse:
async with AsyncClient(base_url=GITHUB_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL) as ac:
response: Response = await ac.post(
"code": code,
"Accept": "application/json",
if response.status_code != codes.OK:
return None
response_payload = response.json()
token = Token.parse_obj(response_payload)
print(token) # <-- `token.access_token` holds the actual token
return RedirectResponse("https://oauth2flow.loca.lt/api/docs")
For the full implementation check the repo: https://github.com/gmagno/oauth2flow